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Category: Current books


Editorial Reviews
New Scientist :
“Did you know there are a billion citrus trees under cultivation, or that grapefruit juice may potentiate the effects of Viagra? Citrus mines over two millennia of history to explore the spread of these fruits out of Asia, their commercialisation in the United States, and [their] enduring symbolism the world over.”—New Scientist

Sunday Times (UK) :
“Stimulating. . . . Laszlo, a retired French chemist, takes us on a journey from the orangeries of Versailles, via the limes of the Royal Navy to the citriculture of modern Florida. It was only in the 1920s, he tells us, that orange juice became ‘an integral part of the American breakfast’, after the great flu epidemic of 1918-19. Laszlo shows that the citrus fruit ‘is a treasure trove of chemicals that are highly useful to humankind’—which also happens to taste wonderful.”—Sunday Times (UK)

Salt, Grain of Life

This book has received a number of translations. These include, in addition to the French original edition, translations into:
Italian (Donzelli) – Portuguese (Terramar) – Spanish (Complutense) – Chinese (Baihua) – Korean (Karam) – Japanese (Tokyo Shoseki).
The French and English languages versions exist also in paperback form: Hachette Pluriel and HarperCollins Ecco Press, respectively, in the listing of available translations for Salt, Grain of Life.

Since publication of this book, I have further pursued its topic in the form of “Salt Notes” (© Pierre Laszlo, all rights reserved worldwide). They will be found here, starting with “Outsalting the Devil.”

Terre Eau, Air Feu

Que peuvent bien reprÈsenter, pour un chimiste moderne, les quatre ÈlÈments de l’AntiquitÈÝ: la terre, l’eau, l’air, le feu… voire le cinquiËme ÈlÈment (ou quintessence)Ý? Bien plus qu’il n’y paraÓt au premier abord et, ý lire Pierre Laszlo, on constate que les ÈlÈments restent deux millÈnaires plus tard des sources d’inspiration inÈpuisables.


Storia degli agrumi

Storia degli agrumi Usi, culture e valori dei frutti pi˜ amati del mondo

Abbondanza, ricchezza, feconditý: sono queste le immagini da sempre associate agli agrumi, i ‘pomi d’oro’, i doni generosi degli dei e della natura. Ma qual Ë la loro origine? Quali strade hanno percorso per giungere fino a noi? Pierre Laszlo si mette sulle loro tracce, seguendo la ‘pista degli agrumi’.